" You should know it by now"
"... Are you talking to me, father?"
" I dreamt about you every night for a month"
" Father... I am..."
" Your elementary school was rather bad although your education was excellent"
I stood in silence.
" You should know it by now, boy"
" The reason why you studied my language since you quit middle school... You were young, and a pure child guided you in the process"
I stood.
" You belong to Mappou, and still you are out of it"
"Mappou, father?"
"You are given the chance"
" You are needed"
" He's on your shoulder, take this"
I held it in my hand.
" Father.. Will I.."
"You shall come back in two years... But you could barely wait"
" What should I do, father?"
" Spread... And then we will see"
"... Are you talking to me, father?"
" I dreamt about you every night for a month"
" Father... I am..."
" Your elementary school was rather bad although your education was excellent"
I stood in silence.
" You should know it by now, boy"
" The reason why you studied my language since you quit middle school... You were young, and a pure child guided you in the process"
I stood.
" You belong to Mappou, and still you are out of it"
"Mappou, father?"
"You are given the chance"
" You are needed"
" He's on your shoulder, take this"
I held it in my hand.
" Father.. Will I.."
"You shall come back in two years... But you could barely wait"
" What should I do, father?"
" Spread... And then we will see"
Nonostante tutto, niente mi distingue da una persona come le altre. Io sono una persona come le altre, e questo è stupendo. Soffro, mi arrabbio, sono immaturo ed infantile, godo nel farmi trascinare dall'astio solo per vedere le conseguenze della mia azione rovinosa.
Eppure qualcosa non torna.
Da allora non c'è pace. O meglio, ce n'è troppa e mi spaventa. E' un prezzo da pagare per questo?
E' tutto cambiato. Pazzia di un vecchio? No. Questo è stato appurato e no, non è così.
Amo i miei e i vostri telefilm trash, ma tutto si frange come un'onda sul mio 7 Agosto e in una schiuma marina il Niente profuma di tutto. Stelle che muoiono. Io sono troppo lontano. Si può amare così la propria esistenza sconvolta?
1 commenti:
Anche io amo la vita in questo modo assurdo...la amo e non la capisco, mi odio e mi considero centro di tutto..contraddizione costante e perenne....
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